Sedation Technology

  • Anxiety Free Dentistry (ANXIOLYSIS) through the careful and closely monitored use of medication, in pill form, both the night before and day of your dental appointment
  • ORAL CONSCIOUS SEDATION DENTISTRY allows you to obtain the healthy smile of your dreams! Without the worry of being fearful of visiting the dentist. Without the worry of feeling pain or not being numb enough. Without the worry of long, drawn out dental appointments. Without the worry of so many visits that you feel like you will never get that healthy smile you deserve.
  • METRONICS AED automatic defibrillator
  • Blood Pressure screenings using CRITICARE Pulse Oximeters

SEDATION DENTISTRY allows you to snooze through dental appointments with little or no memory of your dental treatment ...Please click here to visit our SEDATION DENTISTRY website called


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We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Please call our office at (507) 625-2273 or use the quick contact form below.


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